Happy belated Gobble-Gobble day. Here it is "black Monday" and the second of our Holiday Gift Count-down...
Our #2 "Most Excellent Gift Idea": Motorcyle iPhone or iPod Mount
Our mounts are all-chrome motorcycle accessories made in the USA America! We can help you mount iPod Classic, iPod Nano (generations 1-4), Apple Touch (original & 2nd generation), and iPhone (original & 3G/3GS).
Kits are available for handlebar mounted (bar fits from 3/4" up to 1.25") as well as Harley Davidson controls mounts and Honda Gold Wing controls mounts. Price starts at$77.99 (and up if you choose power kits and/or waterproofing options!).
All you need to know is what model iPod or iPhone your giftee has. Then just follow the "how to" directions that are included on EVERY order page of our Web site.
Here are some links to get you started:
How to Mount an iPhone or iPod on a motorcycle (complete "how to" guide including demo videos)
See all iPhone / MP3 / iPod mounting kits!
Need More Holiday Gift Ideas for the Motorcyclist in your life? Click HERE!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
I love me a NICE RACK! Warning this ain't about deer!
A perfect rack is always nice to look at!
Adding Biker shit to the mix just makes it sweeter.
Harley Davidson has got Balls!
Harley Davidson Balls,
Nice rack
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Sunbear Blair

If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Picture
2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Picture
2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Picture Side
2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Picture Front
2009 Ducati Hypermotard 796
2009 Ducati Hypermotard 796
2009 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Side Picture
2009 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Test Ride
Extreme Modification Suzuki Shogun

This is absolutely air-conditioned man, attending at the blush of this bike modification. firstly i don't accept that this is shogun bike because the capital anatomy is absolutely altered with the anatomy of shogun motor bike
Its the admirable EXTREME Modification, Are you attractive for the modification of suzuki shogun. if yes again this may be one of a acceptable advertence for you. if you are absorbed to change the blush of your suzuki shogun, again this air-conditioned bike will be impresh you.
Suzuki SHOGUN column pictures from this club from the burghal West Custom Jember. Clearly adopted the abstraction with the affair of Terminator 3 acceleration the machine. From alpha body far from the adamant bowl and formed chrome strange. Foot-feet hubless the caster rim or orbital, after the grating. Write their anxiety and Suspension advanced and aback of this single-sided to be fabricated in accordance with the apprentice affair T3.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Honda VTX1800 Desert Dawgs motorcycle rain guards
They are here and shipping! Just in time for holiday gift giving!
The Desert Dawgs rain guards now fit VTX1800 motorcycles with BOTH the "Standard" (that is, 1.25") and "Fatty" (1.5") Cobra freeway bar! To see details, click here.
Why should you buy the Desert Dawgs motorcycle soft lowers NOW? Because they will keep you WARM. Cold weather riding is here whether we like it or not. Extend your riding season into cooler weather AND protect your legs and feet from rain and cold updrafts.
AND, they are still shipping for FREE!
The Desert Dawgs rain guards now fit VTX1800 motorcycles with BOTH the "Standard" (that is, 1.25") and "Fatty" (1.5") Cobra freeway bar! To see details, click here.
Why should you buy the Desert Dawgs motorcycle soft lowers NOW? Because they will keep you WARM. Cold weather riding is here whether we like it or not. Extend your riding season into cooler weather AND protect your legs and feet from rain and cold updrafts.
AND, they are still shipping for FREE!
Polar Bear Grand Tour - Hillbilly Hall

Know About Motorcycle Riding
Have you often wanted to learn more about motorcycles and learn how to ride? There are a lot of people who have been wanting to learn how to ride and learn more about the kinds of motorcycles that are available, and what they can do to become licensed to drive one. There are many different motorcycles that you can choose from, and you want to make sure that you read about them to see which one is going to be the best for you.
There are a lot of fun adventures that you can have when you go motorcycle riding. A lot of people enjoy the feeling of being free and riding out in the country. Others enjoy going for a nice ride through town and others like to take up racing. You can learn what you want to know about motorcycles at about-motorcycles.info. This web site is full of information that you can use when you are thinking about buying a motorcycle, and can help you learn the kind of gear that you are going to have to buy and how you can become licensed in your state to ride.
There are a lot of things that you need to learn about how to safely ride a motorcycle, and about motorcycle riding before you are able to begin. Each state also has its own rules for becoming licensed to ride a motorcycle, and you may need to take a safety course before you are able to ride. You also should learn about the kinds of equipment that you need to buy and use when you are motorcycle riding. You will need to see what is required in your state that you need to get before you are able to ride. You can also learn about the types of motorcycles, sizes, styles and brands so that you can find the one that is the best fit for you.
It can be a lot of fun to go on a motorcycle ride and you want to be sure that you know all about the safety rules before you begin. You also want to make sure that you find a motorcycle that you are going to be able to ride and that is comfortable for you. You can go online and research all of the motorcycles that are available, and read about the different models to help you choose the right one. You can also compare them to see which one is the one that you want to ride. You can find where the best deals on motorcycles are and where you can look to get the best prices. Find out what you want to know and how you can begin to get your own when you go online.
Visit about-motorcycles.info if you want to learn more about motorcycle riding.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Silvon
There are a lot of fun adventures that you can have when you go motorcycle riding. A lot of people enjoy the feeling of being free and riding out in the country. Others enjoy going for a nice ride through town and others like to take up racing. You can learn what you want to know about motorcycles at about-motorcycles.info. This web site is full of information that you can use when you are thinking about buying a motorcycle, and can help you learn the kind of gear that you are going to have to buy and how you can become licensed in your state to ride.
There are a lot of things that you need to learn about how to safely ride a motorcycle, and about motorcycle riding before you are able to begin. Each state also has its own rules for becoming licensed to ride a motorcycle, and you may need to take a safety course before you are able to ride. You also should learn about the kinds of equipment that you need to buy and use when you are motorcycle riding. You will need to see what is required in your state that you need to get before you are able to ride. You can also learn about the types of motorcycles, sizes, styles and brands so that you can find the one that is the best fit for you.
It can be a lot of fun to go on a motorcycle ride and you want to be sure that you know all about the safety rules before you begin. You also want to make sure that you find a motorcycle that you are going to be able to ride and that is comfortable for you. You can go online and research all of the motorcycles that are available, and read about the different models to help you choose the right one. You can also compare them to see which one is the one that you want to ride. You can find where the best deals on motorcycles are and where you can look to get the best prices. Find out what you want to know and how you can begin to get your own when you go online.
Visit about-motorcycles.info if you want to learn more about motorcycle riding.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Silvon
motorcycle riding
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Holiday Gift Ideas for the Motorcycle Rider (Part 1)
Wow, it's almost Thanksgiving. I can't believe it. But in honor of the mother of all holidays (Christmas), we will now commerce a "Twelve Days of Christmas" Holiday Gift Count-down...
Our #1 "Most Excellent Gift Idea": Motorcyle GPS Mount
Our mounts are all-chrome motorcycle accessories made in the USA America! We can help you mount Garmin (Nuvi, Zumo, etc), Tom Tom (most current models), Magellan (Maestro etc) and others. You can see our fitment list here:
Kits are available for handlebar mounted GPS (bar fits from 3/4" up to 1.25") as well as Harley Davidson controls mounts and Honda Gold Wing controls mounts. Price ranges from $64.99 - $109.98 (and up if you choose power kits and/or waterproofing options!).
All you need to know is the MAKE and MODEL of the GPS (e.g., "Garmin Nuvi 750"). Then just follow our "how to" directions that are included on EVERY order page of our Web site.
Here are some links to get you started:
How to Mount GPS on a Motorcycle (complete "how to" guide including demo videos)
See all GPS mounting kits!
Our #1 "Most Excellent Gift Idea": Motorcyle GPS Mount
Our mounts are all-chrome motorcycle accessories made in the USA America! We can help you mount Garmin (Nuvi, Zumo, etc), Tom Tom (most current models), Magellan (Maestro etc) and others. You can see our fitment list here:
Kits are available for handlebar mounted GPS (bar fits from 3/4" up to 1.25") as well as Harley Davidson controls mounts and Honda Gold Wing controls mounts. Price ranges from $64.99 - $109.98 (and up if you choose power kits and/or waterproofing options!).
All you need to know is the MAKE and MODEL of the GPS (e.g., "Garmin Nuvi 750"). Then just follow our "how to" directions that are included on EVERY order page of our Web site.
Here are some links to get you started:
How to Mount GPS on a Motorcycle (complete "how to" guide including demo videos)
See all GPS mounting kits!
Monday, November 23, 2009
sons Of Anarchy Season 2 episode 11 review
Last weeks episode was absolutely kick ass! I can't say enough about how much action they packed in and what was revealed. I was out of town and am far behind on posting so I'm not going to go into every little last detail about this one like I have in the past. Besides, only got two comments on the last review, so I'm guessing the posts reviews are getting too long to read.
Can you believe that Opie now knows? Wholly shit.
Can't believe he stayed in the club. Poor Tigger. He took his beating like a man, full knowing he deserved it. He's lucky Ope didn't kill him. I can't believe the club is accepting of all the shit going down.
Wow. is all I have to say.
Can't wait till the next one. Till then.....
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Erik Buell to Form Erik Buell Racing
The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company announced in a press release on November 20, 2009 that Erik Buell would be establishing a new company, Erik Buell Racing. Here's an excerpt from the press release:
For more information read the complete press release.
"Harley-Davidson, Inc. announced today that following the company’s recent decision to discontinue the Buell motorcycle product line, Erik Buell, Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of Buell Motorcycle Company, will leave the company to establish Erik Buell Racing, an independent motorcycle race shop."
For more information read the complete press release.
Erik Buell,
Friday, November 20, 2009
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Michael

If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sons Of Anarchy Season 2 episode 10 (90 minute special) review
Looks like Jax is really going to go through with going Nomad. Clay said he didn't strike a match.
Jax is going to go through with it anyway. Jax finds Piney, and tells him of his plans. Jax said if he stays in the club around Clay one of them is going to wind up dead. Piney says, "and we both know who that should be."
Chibs is freed from the hospital, and finds out about what has been going on in the MC world while he's been on his hospital hiatus. He's in the van talking to Half Sack when he finds out about Cara Cara being burned, and about Jax going Nomad. He makes Half Sack take him to see the IRA. He makes threats, and runs into Jimmy O. Jax comes in, and they get out. Too bad the place is bugged, and FBI agent Stahl is listening in on the conversation. She now has proof that they are tied in to the IRA.
Stahl is waiting for Jax sitting in his house to pay a suprise visit. She confronts him and his reasoning for leaving S.A.M.C.R.O. Tara catches wind of this and is a bit pissed, but more hurt that Jax was making this decision without talking to her about it. Regardless, Jax isn't changing his mind. Stahl makes threats to Jax that if he doesn't give her some information on the Irish that she will come after him. For now S.A.M.C.R.O. and Jax are living in grace.
The Sons stumble across an amo making Indian Tribe as a result of a Repo they did. The vehicle is loaded with cases of home made ammo. Looks like SAMCRO will be adding to the list of what they will be dealing.
Jemma talks to Tara about how bad of an idea it is for Jax to go Nomad.
Chibs is confronted by the Feds to make some deals. Being He is a true line to Jimmy O'fallon, He is a prime candidate for the deal making needed by Stahl.
We learn about Chibs history with Jimmy O. He excommunicated him from the IRA and took his wife and daughter. Left him with his face scar as a reminder. Chibs has had to swallow a lot of pride to deal guns as a member of SOA whom is using the IRA as a pipeline to get the guns.
Jax tells Gemma about going Nomad. They talk. Gemma tells him how bad of an idea it is. Tells Jax that she doesn't think his father's death was an accident. She said that she thinks He hated his life, and let the road take it. She told him to read page 449. (Which is revealed later to talk about John Teller's struggle in his own mind if he should go Nomad).
Chibs has a meeting with Jimmy O. Jimmy O has a lot of balls and is truly a wicked fucker. Chibs said he doesn't need to help him. Jimmy say to Chibs, "Yeah you do, I banished you, I took what's yours. These are the facts. You'll do as I say." Chibs replies, "Go to Hell Jimmy." Through conversation we find out just how much of a scum bag Jimmy is. He makes sexual comments about Chib's daughter. Ultimately, to keep his daughter Cari-Ann and his wife Fiona safe, Chibs is forced to help restore the relationship of the IRA and the Sons.
Bobby tells Jax he doesn't think Clay had anything to do with Cara Cara burning.
Tara gets suspended. She got busted for keeping Chibs in the hospital with fake symptoms.
Bobby and Jax visit Juice in the hospital. Talk about Jax wanting to transfer. Informing about needing Juice to proxy his vote.
The Sons do end up making a deal with the Indian tribe. They are going to make ammo for the Sons. As part of the deal, They end up dealing some psychedelic mushrooms. To make sure they are any good. Clay has Half Sack and Tig try them out. They get truly fucked up. This is some hilarious shit. While Clay is trying to show the One Niners how good the shrooms are because they will be dealing them, they see Half Sack sitting with his legs in a mud pit. He says, "It's cool and warm at the same time. It's cwoorm." He has this stupid shit eating grin on his face and he starts singing cwoorm. Then we see Tig looking at the Indian souvenirs totally vegging the fuck out. I literally laughed my ass off. Seriously. I have no ass anymore. LOL!
Opie and Lila get it on. Did you know Opie actually has hair under that stupid hat of his?
Unser convinces Jax that it had to be a crew that torched Cara Cara. Couldn't have been just one guy. Not Clay. Jax talks to Clay and apologizes about accusing him for it. He asks Clay if he still wants him gone. He says, "Yes."
Gemma sees the conversation between Clay and Jax, but did not hear it. She walks out and talks to Unser who is walking by. She asks him to help protect the club.
The Club reluctantly votes a unanimous Yay to release Jax from the Redwood Charter, and allows him to go to the Nomad Charter. Jax takes off his cut and puts it on the table, and cuts off his charter patches right there and tosses them on the table right at Clay. Jax looks really pissed off and really hurt all at the same time, like he might cry.
Based on a tip that Chibs gave the Feds, they go on in and do some serious harassing of the IRA
Young one. Make some threats, a little black male, and get him to be a rat.
Gemma gets Jax, Tara, and Clay together with her. To help keep them together, She tells Clay and Jax what happened to her, that there was no car accident, that she was gang raped by Zobel's crew. While she is telling the story, we see all kinds of screen shots of all the different SOA crew and cops doing different things. They show Halfsack still sitting in the mud pit now naked pleasuring himself, and they show Tig still there, crying and saying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." After Gemma is done telling the whole story, Clay embraces her and Jax and Tara get up to leave. Jax picks up his charter patches on the way out.
After watching this one, I thought this episode was the best one yet. But as you know, I was already an episode behind. I've already seen, as I'm sure many of you have episode 11 of season two. I think that even tops this one. If you haven't caught it yet, Hang on to your seat. It's a Hell of a ride!
Next Post of the last show Season 2 episode 11 coming soon.

Modification of the motor is channeling creativity to create and innovate so that it can be realized according to what the chill and in the form of real teraplikasikan. Djarum Black MOTODIFY 2009 who visited the city of Pekanbaru is the fifth city of roadshownya also displays a nice shape modifications like John Anga in preparing Satria FU 150 SE.
Newer concepts are formulated by John the theme R6 bike motor bike makes deserve ogled her in detail, the engine intake satria FU 150 original engine was standard only a little change in the ignition, the addition of CDI racing and pulling teeth, including the transfer of the gearbox so that more light when pulled tight with a maximum strength.
A significant part of the exterior changes are quite complicated according to John Anga, the shop owner John Anga Racing Sport (Jars) is dibagian swing arm and rear swingarm where it is thought the difficulty level seemed to provide a homemade intake adjusted to the change itself.
Also visible part visible from the front of the naked eye, a black screen with a bodykit Duco at Djarum Black graphic motifs add nuance fast, finishing varnishes and Sikken entrusted to chrome in some parts to enhance your sports display at Satria FU 150 motorcycles this. For the legs, John Anga use to Absedawn Aprilia front wheel and tire dressing Bridgestone GP has used to increase the keanyaran motor sport. All these motors work on the application requires two months he said.
John Anga concocting the most of that did not hesitate to give a touch of racing that was carried in accordance with the concept that he has from the beginning to enter a contest, especially automotive largest motorcycle by Djarum Black digawangi this. One participant from Pekanbaru expects to continue to creativity in the automotive world, when it was announced the winner of the motor's John Anga won seven trophy from several categories including those representing the city of Pekanbaru to the finals later in Solo because the bike picked up The Best Black Bike.
Newer concepts are formulated by John the theme R6 bike motor bike makes deserve ogled her in detail, the engine intake satria FU 150 original engine was standard only a little change in the ignition, the addition of CDI racing and pulling teeth, including the transfer of the gearbox so that more light when pulled tight with a maximum strength.
A significant part of the exterior changes are quite complicated according to John Anga, the shop owner John Anga Racing Sport (Jars) is dibagian swing arm and rear swingarm where it is thought the difficulty level seemed to provide a homemade intake adjusted to the change itself.
Also visible part visible from the front of the naked eye, a black screen with a bodykit Duco at Djarum Black graphic motifs add nuance fast, finishing varnishes and Sikken entrusted to chrome in some parts to enhance your sports display at Satria FU 150 motorcycles this. For the legs, John Anga use to Absedawn Aprilia front wheel and tire dressing Bridgestone GP has used to increase the keanyaran motor sport. All these motors work on the application requires two months he said.
John Anga concocting the most of that did not hesitate to give a touch of racing that was carried in accordance with the concept that he has from the beginning to enter a contest, especially automotive largest motorcycle by Djarum Black digawangi this. One participant from Pekanbaru expects to continue to creativity in the automotive world, when it was announced the winner of the motor's John Anga won seven trophy from several categories including those representing the city of Pekanbaru to the finals later in Solo because the bike picked up The Best Black Bike.
Modifikasi Motor,

Need to be different and far from the general impression, so about the basic idea of the cultivation of Fredy's Honda Romain Nouvo this. Besides his love of mountain bikes to make it modifications embodied in the two-wheeler that had won the title of The Innovator in the 2009 Djarum Black MOTODIFY held in Palembang (10-11/10) ago. Kept going down the hill theme, the matic was transformed into more streamlined like a bicycle adventure.
In connection with activities as the owner dilakoni distributions, then no wonder if his departure to Bandung to shop instead delivered to a chassis shop in the city's development. "In order to complete the look add me choose handlebars and wheels and tires from Maxxis bicycle belongs," said the man who was familiarly called Eep. As for Tromol, depend Eep Minimoto's products.
Level of difficulty occurs when the rear wheel Tromol cultivation, where the standards differ matic owned factories with other motors, so the hard work necessary to make their own Tromol so they can be "fit" with a bicycle wheel. Turning to the selection of body colors, "For color, I admit a little difficult to integrate the right color, the solution I tried browsing the internet and yellow i find like this," so firmly that a childless father.
Machine is supporting the performance of this down hill matic, in order to meet his needs as a motor that can keep moving the kitchen was forced to speed up the bore. As a result the standard piston was retired and replaced with the role of Suzuki Thunder. One thing that deserves the attention of this modification is suitable to be used and by the owner had used for three times to adventure. Being a winner is the target to be achieved by a 28-year-old man was. Not in vain his efforts succeeded and this achievement became the motivation to work on other motorcycles more innovative.
In connection with activities as the owner dilakoni distributions, then no wonder if his departure to Bandung to shop instead delivered to a chassis shop in the city's development. "In order to complete the look add me choose handlebars and wheels and tires from Maxxis bicycle belongs," said the man who was familiarly called Eep. As for Tromol, depend Eep Minimoto's products.
Level of difficulty occurs when the rear wheel Tromol cultivation, where the standards differ matic owned factories with other motors, so the hard work necessary to make their own Tromol so they can be "fit" with a bicycle wheel. Turning to the selection of body colors, "For color, I admit a little difficult to integrate the right color, the solution I tried browsing the internet and yellow i find like this," so firmly that a childless father.
Machine is supporting the performance of this down hill matic, in order to meet his needs as a motor that can keep moving the kitchen was forced to speed up the bore. As a result the standard piston was retired and replaced with the role of Suzuki Thunder. One thing that deserves the attention of this modification is suitable to be used and by the owner had used for three times to adventure. Being a winner is the target to be achieved by a 28-year-old man was. Not in vain his efforts succeeded and this achievement became the motivation to work on other motorcycles more innovative.
Modifikasi Motor
Binter Mercy 83 Chooper Modification

Modifikasi Binter mercy 1983 ala chooper
Lively city of Palembang in the last two days (10-11/10), especially the area of street POM IX event thanks to the presence of two-wheeled modification contest, MOTODIFY 2009 held by Djarum Black. For two days the area was filled with bikers and bike lovers also modifications. Along the way the owner modification helped gather, as well as Anto, 34. Not by accident he came to the venue, but he took part with Binter Mercy 1983.
Binter Mercy joined the black-robed enliven motor modification row displayed in the venue. Starting from the concept embodied in the imagination Anto, owner modification and the owner of the motorcycle-style chooper says, "I did this modification starts with imagination and left no input from my friends shop, so this chooper materialize," the firm Anto.
The first change that needs to be done in the context of concerns using "pipe wheeldeep" with a thickness of 3 mm. While support for good springer front suspension was chosen as the support of the motor to the body. Springer is the work of the fellow that flew mechanical workshop name Harum.
"This motor is the result of the workshop together with the scent, he worked on the project legs, springer and Footstep, while I prefer to concentrate to make the tank and chassis as well as other modifications," said the two children of this man. For the legs, the legendary motorcycle alloy wheels adopted from the car with the ring size 15, to make it look more macho. Whereas the right circle size rubber 170/15.
In connection with the kitchen runway, Anto still rely on the machine with a standard specification that has the capability of $ 200 CC. It's just to boost their performance, an alternative ignition and it's chosen unlimited CDI Suzuki Shogun 110. When asked about his victory in the National-scale event of this contest, the man said, "I am very happy and this would spur me to further realize the concept of the GS 250 Chopper"
Binter Mercy joined the black-robed enliven motor modification row displayed in the venue. Starting from the concept embodied in the imagination Anto, owner modification and the owner of the motorcycle-style chooper says, "I did this modification starts with imagination and left no input from my friends shop, so this chooper materialize," the firm Anto.
The first change that needs to be done in the context of concerns using "pipe wheeldeep" with a thickness of 3 mm. While support for good springer front suspension was chosen as the support of the motor to the body. Springer is the work of the fellow that flew mechanical workshop name Harum.
"This motor is the result of the workshop together with the scent, he worked on the project legs, springer and Footstep, while I prefer to concentrate to make the tank and chassis as well as other modifications," said the two children of this man. For the legs, the legendary motorcycle alloy wheels adopted from the car with the ring size 15, to make it look more macho. Whereas the right circle size rubber 170/15.
In connection with the kitchen runway, Anto still rely on the machine with a standard specification that has the capability of $ 200 CC. It's just to boost their performance, an alternative ignition and it's chosen unlimited CDI Suzuki Shogun 110. When asked about his victory in the National-scale event of this contest, the man said, "I am very happy and this would spur me to further realize the concept of the GS 250 Chopper"
Modifikasi Motor

Competitive atmosphere was so thick when Djarum Black MOTODIFY visited the provincial capital of Bali, Denpasar. The modulus of modification owner spill plus the presence of local Balinese origin modification owner reliable Java Balikpapan even clear a stimulus, enhancing the tension of competition here. Although the local modification owner flow that carries a lot of racing but a couple of tries to be different with their own signature style. As shown Kadek Irawan, Deny or Deny familiarly called Matrix with trusty steed make Honda Beat in 2008.
Radical changes evident from the overall look of this automatic motorcycle. The Body Modification and legs clearly be the most striking thing here. More about the bike, the original Matrix Deny this Singaraja said, "Basically this is my bike 2008 Honda Beat me black thick chopper-style modification change the legs and chassis," he explained. "For the elongation of the rear chassis to the 40 cm is 20 cm plus the change in the front wheels 5 inch custom size bedlock model so that the back of this model using 8-inch size," he added.
For details on the front legs like a disc, KALIPER, master brake and Tromol no significant changes occurred except in the fork arm now mengasup single custom model. To swing arm rear legs remain combined with the change of style is placed in the middle of center Monoshock. To adopt a disc rear disc plus KALIPER Ninja and Shogun brake master plus Tromol custom Sp. "Total processing this bike takes three weeks with the most difficult work for installation of water suspension because they have tried several times to the same level of flexibility, hardness," said the big tall guy is about the difficulty in assembling the bike.
Body changes that occur mostly using carbon materials. Look at the front and rear spakbor a unique look bloated. While still using the original engine, the motor features grew with the installation of exhaust custom chopper style. Neat variation on this bike include LED rear lights, custom LED sign, and handlebar custom Footstep, spontaneous gas turbo and chopper mirror applications.
A series of detail changes and a neat finish is what brought this bike in made as The Best Black Bike MOTODIFY Denpasar 2009. Concerning the achievement of his motorcycle, got the impression own Deny said, "I'm very happy and very excited because they can generally represent Bali or Denpasar and Singaraja Bali in particular and I am especially grateful to Almighty God and also as a wife and children for the support. Moreover, from the , this bike is my wife's favorite bike ". "For the Solo hopefully there are no obstacles and there will be changes for the more mature the body kit and the paint would I fill a little striping and gradations," he added about the expectations of the bike forward.
Radical changes evident from the overall look of this automatic motorcycle. The Body Modification and legs clearly be the most striking thing here. More about the bike, the original Matrix Deny this Singaraja said, "Basically this is my bike 2008 Honda Beat me black thick chopper-style modification change the legs and chassis," he explained. "For the elongation of the rear chassis to the 40 cm is 20 cm plus the change in the front wheels 5 inch custom size bedlock model so that the back of this model using 8-inch size," he added.
For details on the front legs like a disc, KALIPER, master brake and Tromol no significant changes occurred except in the fork arm now mengasup single custom model. To swing arm rear legs remain combined with the change of style is placed in the middle of center Monoshock. To adopt a disc rear disc plus KALIPER Ninja and Shogun brake master plus Tromol custom Sp. "Total processing this bike takes three weeks with the most difficult work for installation of water suspension because they have tried several times to the same level of flexibility, hardness," said the big tall guy is about the difficulty in assembling the bike.
Body changes that occur mostly using carbon materials. Look at the front and rear spakbor a unique look bloated. While still using the original engine, the motor features grew with the installation of exhaust custom chopper style. Neat variation on this bike include LED rear lights, custom LED sign, and handlebar custom Footstep, spontaneous gas turbo and chopper mirror applications.
A series of detail changes and a neat finish is what brought this bike in made as The Best Black Bike MOTODIFY Denpasar 2009. Concerning the achievement of his motorcycle, got the impression own Deny said, "I'm very happy and very excited because they can generally represent Bali or Denpasar and Singaraja Bali in particular and I am especially grateful to Almighty God and also as a wife and children for the support. Moreover, from the , this bike is my wife's favorite bike ". "For the Solo hopefully there are no obstacles and there will be changes for the more mature the body kit and the paint would I fill a little striping and gradations," he added about the expectations of the bike forward.
Matic Modification,
Modifikasi Motor

See it from far away we'll find out if this motorcycle is a Yamaha Jupiter MX. But what makes her attractive is the glint of gold that mingle some body parts to look more 'eye catchy'. Motor mainstay Made Ambara Suarjaya, this SE is specially prepared to follow the event, especially in Denpasar MOTODIFY gold blinks class and ducks modification. Not only the body that received special attention, all the way to the legs also received special attention in order to appear more solid.
Regarding the bike, Made Ambara the M1 service station manager also said, "This motor is Jupiter MX in 2006 that I kastem with the concept of the body custom elegant minimalist," he explained. Although no extreme changes in engine, body looks great this is like a magnet capable of attracting more pairs of eyes to glance at him. Details of the front legs alone thick gold nuances like the chrome Gazi Fork Up Side Down and discs and 4 piston Kitaco KALIPER. To master brake and Tromol still using the original model.
Continue to the rear legs, the changes apparent in the arm swing changes that also kastem model. Additionally there is the change in suspension using Gazi, Posh discs, 4 piston Kitaco KALIPER, and also the master brake custom version. Everything seemed to chime neatly with details from the body frame, front mask, fairing, the stern and the hood is the fruit Ambara Made creations under the label M1. As already mentioned above, although no change is in the machine, remove the motor tract is also redesigned custom model.
For variations on this bike can be seen clearly in the use of X-1R handlebar, rear lights and sign Mio. For the gas pedal and Footstep, Made Ambara choose compact model output leading manufacturer of Yoshimura parts.
Prominent in the color, to paint and clear in the bike was handed over entirely to the shop wearing chrome Malik Bali william serwin products plus gold chrome on the outside. "Long processing this bike takes a month with difficulties, especially in sectors where we kastem body tries to tie fiber with plastic," he reveals about the processing time and difficulty processing these motors.
A row of these features are instantly made him a motor home so the best Denpasar, especially in the category of modification and the coolest duck blink-blink. Closing the conversation, the program reveals a friendly man on first impressions and expectations, "I am very proud and happy for this victory and I hope it'll be more motor worked the front with a better one than now".
Regarding the bike, Made Ambara the M1 service station manager also said, "This motor is Jupiter MX in 2006 that I kastem with the concept of the body custom elegant minimalist," he explained. Although no extreme changes in engine, body looks great this is like a magnet capable of attracting more pairs of eyes to glance at him. Details of the front legs alone thick gold nuances like the chrome Gazi Fork Up Side Down and discs and 4 piston Kitaco KALIPER. To master brake and Tromol still using the original model.
Continue to the rear legs, the changes apparent in the arm swing changes that also kastem model. Additionally there is the change in suspension using Gazi, Posh discs, 4 piston Kitaco KALIPER, and also the master brake custom version. Everything seemed to chime neatly with details from the body frame, front mask, fairing, the stern and the hood is the fruit Ambara Made creations under the label M1. As already mentioned above, although no change is in the machine, remove the motor tract is also redesigned custom model.
For variations on this bike can be seen clearly in the use of X-1R handlebar, rear lights and sign Mio. For the gas pedal and Footstep, Made Ambara choose compact model output leading manufacturer of Yoshimura parts.
Prominent in the color, to paint and clear in the bike was handed over entirely to the shop wearing chrome Malik Bali william serwin products plus gold chrome on the outside. "Long processing this bike takes a month with difficulties, especially in sectors where we kastem body tries to tie fiber with plastic," he reveals about the processing time and difficulty processing these motors.
A row of these features are instantly made him a motor home so the best Denpasar, especially in the category of modification and the coolest duck blink-blink. Closing the conversation, the program reveals a friendly man on first impressions and expectations, "I am very proud and happy for this victory and I hope it'll be more motor worked the front with a better one than now".
Modifikasi Motor,

2009 This year seems to be the resurrection of "iron horse" or better known automated with motor matic. Because many of modifikator look at this bike as a spill their creativity in memodif become more stylish appearance. This is also evidenced by the dominance of the number of participants who register their motor matic contest to contest the modification, Djarum Black MOTODIFY 2009 (23-24/5) which was held at the Convention Center Grage.
Facts matic triumph motorcycles also depicted through the champion category Airbrush Animation Eko Wahyanto claim, from the workshop Exxo Art. Yamaha Mio brings lansiran 2007, with the concept of low-rider and more emphasis on the motive airbrush realists. Figure realist thorough attached to the motor body, none are left. The difficulty does not come from the application of the bodinya overall picture, but it happened on the complexity of the picture carried disclosures. While the sector is not experiencing a change machine, which relied on the specification still uses the original runway kitchen manufacturers tuning fork logo.
"The work overall is not complicated, I feel it in the process of disclosure of the image that I stretcher. Because not all people understand what I mean in the picture, so the depiction of detail necessary to airbrush her," said modifikator this one. Due to the chosen theme of the animated cartoon Star Wars movie should be considered an appropriate disclosure mature to understand clearly the purpose picture film characterizations.
Team-based workshops in Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta is not no good come all the way to Cirebon, because the performance achieved quite encouraging that won first prize in the category of best Airbrush Animation. Aimed at conveying his ideas to anyone who witnessed the bike, Eko must be willing to spend around Rp. Pour 10 millions for this concept.
Meanwhile, when asked about his opinion about the event, Eko said, events like this are excellent for stimulating creativity of modifikator to continue work, as well as his determination to create new concepts better. This aims at the intention to participate in the event MOTODIFY participate further, and try to reach the main title of Best Black Bike. [nus / timABT]
Facts matic triumph motorcycles also depicted through the champion category Airbrush Animation Eko Wahyanto claim, from the workshop Exxo Art. Yamaha Mio brings lansiran 2007, with the concept of low-rider and more emphasis on the motive airbrush realists. Figure realist thorough attached to the motor body, none are left. The difficulty does not come from the application of the bodinya overall picture, but it happened on the complexity of the picture carried disclosures. While the sector is not experiencing a change machine, which relied on the specification still uses the original runway kitchen manufacturers tuning fork logo.
"The work overall is not complicated, I feel it in the process of disclosure of the image that I stretcher. Because not all people understand what I mean in the picture, so the depiction of detail necessary to airbrush her," said modifikator this one. Due to the chosen theme of the animated cartoon Star Wars movie should be considered an appropriate disclosure mature to understand clearly the purpose picture film characterizations.
Team-based workshops in Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta is not no good come all the way to Cirebon, because the performance achieved quite encouraging that won first prize in the category of best Airbrush Animation. Aimed at conveying his ideas to anyone who witnessed the bike, Eko must be willing to spend around Rp. Pour 10 millions for this concept.
Meanwhile, when asked about his opinion about the event, Eko said, events like this are excellent for stimulating creativity of modifikator to continue work, as well as his determination to create new concepts better. This aims at the intention to participate in the event MOTODIFY participate further, and try to reach the main title of Best Black Bike. [nus / timABT]
Modifikasi Motor
Honda C70 Like Minerva MadAss Modification
For Djarum Black MOTODIFY observer must be familiar with the team name on this one. This yups he Kempol Modification of the original Team Cirebon City. In 2008 we remember this team with a remarkable breakthrough Yamaha Vega berbody Willys Jeep. Armed with mature experience, this solid team again shine in her own home with the latest modifications based lawas Honda C70 motorcycle. Minerva MadAss style applied to a car axle drive system that replaces the chain, no doubt make this a black motor out as the best for the category The Best Black Bike Cirebon represent the Djarum Black MOTODIFY Final 2009 in the town of Solo.
As a representative of the team, Didi describes the initial concept of this bike modifications, "The concept of Honda sich first 70 that we change so Minerva Mid Ace. Inspirations sich fleeting illusion, continues see frame 70 (Honda C70) is almost the same kok middle order MadAss only smaller as we continue to wrap the plate and after a try-finally try ".
"Change that we do own starting from the chain drive system to hold the swing arm axle single-use mono arm, and hold the machine's make clutch applications moge system with hydraulic systems, braking systems on the adoption of an aircraft braking system of the disk in the BIB Tromol, "he added about the changes that stand out in the bike.
In addition to changes mentioned above Didi in fact there are many other solid kastemisasi applied in this motor. These include the establishment of the framework, the front mask, fairing, the stern and protective of all machines kastemisasi Kempol own results. Details of the front legs as already mentioned Didi was wearing a bike up side down fork Moge, double disc brakes BIB model, KALIPER Ride It, Kitaco and brake master Tromol Kempol BIB style. For details on the back foot as changes are made using handmade swing arm, YSS suspension, disc Ninja, KALIPER Ride It, master brake Tromol Kitaco and a modified version of the Mio is also dikastem Kempol own.
Honda engine retains C70, reimbursement systems around the runway looks on crutches applications as Charisma, Honda Grand carburetor, intake manifold kastem la Kempol, BRT CDI, clutch hydraulic Kempol style, oil cooler Satria FU 150 and the exhaust and fuel tank are also handmade. Outside the neat blend Didi remained above underlines that some of the difficulties surrounding the work is located on the front disc, clutch at their motive. "Long processing this motor itself approximately two months with a total cost of approximately USD 15 millions," he said again.
Asked about winning impression as The Best Black Bike, a man with a ready smile was saying, "What is certain is yes especially thrilled this in itself represents Cirebon city for the Final Battle Solo". "To change the fore honestly do not know but hopefully for the future hope to win this bike in the Final Battle Solo," he describes the hope and close the conversation. Yups salut buat Kempol with fresh ideas, we are waiting for you at the Final Battle Solo!
As a representative of the team, Didi describes the initial concept of this bike modifications, "The concept of Honda sich first 70 that we change so Minerva Mid Ace. Inspirations sich fleeting illusion, continues see frame 70 (Honda C70) is almost the same kok middle order MadAss only smaller as we continue to wrap the plate and after a try-finally try ".
"Change that we do own starting from the chain drive system to hold the swing arm axle single-use mono arm, and hold the machine's make clutch applications moge system with hydraulic systems, braking systems on the adoption of an aircraft braking system of the disk in the BIB Tromol, "he added about the changes that stand out in the bike.
In addition to changes mentioned above Didi in fact there are many other solid kastemisasi applied in this motor. These include the establishment of the framework, the front mask, fairing, the stern and protective of all machines kastemisasi Kempol own results. Details of the front legs as already mentioned Didi was wearing a bike up side down fork Moge, double disc brakes BIB model, KALIPER Ride It, Kitaco and brake master Tromol Kempol BIB style. For details on the back foot as changes are made using handmade swing arm, YSS suspension, disc Ninja, KALIPER Ride It, master brake Tromol Kitaco and a modified version of the Mio is also dikastem Kempol own.
Honda engine retains C70, reimbursement systems around the runway looks on crutches applications as Charisma, Honda Grand carburetor, intake manifold kastem la Kempol, BRT CDI, clutch hydraulic Kempol style, oil cooler Satria FU 150 and the exhaust and fuel tank are also handmade. Outside the neat blend Didi remained above underlines that some of the difficulties surrounding the work is located on the front disc, clutch at their motive. "Long processing this motor itself approximately two months with a total cost of approximately USD 15 millions," he said again.
Asked about winning impression as The Best Black Bike, a man with a ready smile was saying, "What is certain is yes especially thrilled this in itself represents Cirebon city for the Final Battle Solo". "To change the fore honestly do not know but hopefully for the future hope to win this bike in the Final Battle Solo," he describes the hope and close the conversation. Yups salut buat Kempol with fresh ideas, we are waiting for you at the Final Battle Solo!

Use of a large wheel on the motor matic trend lately become quite horrendous. The fact that tongkrongan mounts can look more ferocious and 'eye catchy' is a reference to how many lovers matic started adopting this style. Trying to be different, from Mio Club Imung Tegal (Mi-Cute) show remarkable breakthrough with Mio Sporty is now equipped with 4-wheel car wheel as confirmation wild character. ATV will Terispirasi vehicle, the presence of this unique motor can provide a fresh color arena Cirebon Djarum Black MOTODIFY 2009 (23-24/5).
"Early this first year Mio 2005 Sporty that I wear body Rombak total new Mio Soul kept my legs Rombak Car wheel wear ring 17," said Imung describes the initial idea of the bike changes. He further explained, "The concept was beginning my bike to adapt the style of ATV but the difference I have used wheels and tires. So if the original jalannnya ATV on the beach or sandy terrain, if the motor is running in cities or on asphalt roads."
Pursuing the concept initially as a four-wheeled motor surefire make Imung must patiently worked through all the details of the bike for 6 months. The details perombakannya starting from the front legs who wears ride-it fork, disc warrior, KALIPER BREMBO, brake master Kitaco and Tromol car. For details on the back foot itself is on suspension change brands memakami Yoshimura, Tiger discs, KALIPER Brembo, brake master and also Tromol Kitaco car. Besides that we also will be presented with a view custom exhaust emissions model to the side.
In addition to the above, Mio Sporty Imung fact have other advantages. Like the men expressed these glasses, "Advantages of this motor when the motor is usually discharged distarter matic direct path, if the motor I can not because there is a direct path neutral gear, and hold that there are teeth dimajuin advance and retreat if you want my motorcycle is also equipped with teeth retreat ". "The difficulty we may pass back and forth to make teeth and rombakan on these legs yach," he said again.
Despite everything, the courage memodif Imung in a different style bike deserved thumbs up. No wonder when the announcement of the winner's name at the end, this bike managed to bring home the title of The Most Customized Matic and The Most Extreme. With 2 prestigious title in hand, speak about his hopes Imungpun, "I hope this motor could win keep future," she said as she ended the conversation.
"Early this first year Mio 2005 Sporty that I wear body Rombak total new Mio Soul kept my legs Rombak Car wheel wear ring 17," said Imung describes the initial idea of the bike changes. He further explained, "The concept was beginning my bike to adapt the style of ATV but the difference I have used wheels and tires. So if the original jalannnya ATV on the beach or sandy terrain, if the motor is running in cities or on asphalt roads."
Pursuing the concept initially as a four-wheeled motor surefire make Imung must patiently worked through all the details of the bike for 6 months. The details perombakannya starting from the front legs who wears ride-it fork, disc warrior, KALIPER BREMBO, brake master Kitaco and Tromol car. For details on the back foot itself is on suspension change brands memakami Yoshimura, Tiger discs, KALIPER Brembo, brake master and also Tromol Kitaco car. Besides that we also will be presented with a view custom exhaust emissions model to the side.
In addition to the above, Mio Sporty Imung fact have other advantages. Like the men expressed these glasses, "Advantages of this motor when the motor is usually discharged distarter matic direct path, if the motor I can not because there is a direct path neutral gear, and hold that there are teeth dimajuin advance and retreat if you want my motorcycle is also equipped with teeth retreat ". "The difficulty we may pass back and forth to make teeth and rombakan on these legs yach," he said again.
Despite everything, the courage memodif Imung in a different style bike deserved thumbs up. No wonder when the announcement of the winner's name at the end, this bike managed to bring home the title of The Most Customized Matic and The Most Extreme. With 2 prestigious title in hand, speak about his hopes Imungpun, "I hope this motor could win keep future," she said as she ended the conversation.
Malang city did have an amazing stretch in terms of motor modifications. Apparent when Djarum Black MOTODIFY early in the year 2009 was held in this city. Located at the Dome Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Saturday to Sunday (9-10/5), a fantastic treat it successfully served the modifikator city. Hyperkreasi the range shown, sticking a row of motor sport is no exception bertipikal Honda CBR 1000 Tiger faced.
Not only a neat, all the detail curve Honda Tiger body has been designed to sepresisi may actually resemble the real face of Honda CBR 1000. As the owner, Brenda Rest explain modifications of this bike, "Early concepts that I want to apply the adopted moge (motor gede) with basic motor fox Tiger I became CBR 1000 in 2006," he explained. More information about the reason to take the concept moge, this friendly guy explains, "I make this motor because the average moge in Indonesia were rare and even if there is expensive so I want to change the way moge finally achieved."
The results are remarkable, given the look of the front, next to the contour of the back that looked fierce and so firmly. For the front legs are used supplies include usage fork upside down, following PSM KALIPER discs with Brembo brake master took Nissin brand. For the rear legs swing arm asupannya include a 1000 CBR dikastem, YSS suspension and fixed with Nissin disc brakes. For the body is known as fixed by the framework wrapped Tiger front CBR 1000 guise kastem. Not necessarily use the existing parts, some parts like the exhaust was designed handmade handmade aka Andi Rest yourself.
Continue to the variation seen here intake Vario-style taillights and headlights left and right sign Vixion use models. With a racing-style Footstep of Yoshimura, the control wheel is also designed with solid handmade model. For myself finishing this bike was covered glose auto paint color Honda Fireblade adopted. About the overall process of this kindly man explained, "For a long time if the initial processing takes approximately 3 months but if we've got a bike so we can trim about one month."
For the total cost of the process itself, Andi admitted that he had spent approximately USD 17 million. So confident of the other competitors in fact this bike is capable of providing maximum results. First prize in the Sport class Modif motor achieved this one. Andipun said about his success, "I am delighted to finally work for three months can be paid and for the future I will never cease to continue to innovate," he said, closing the conversation.
Not only a neat, all the detail curve Honda Tiger body has been designed to sepresisi may actually resemble the real face of Honda CBR 1000. As the owner, Brenda Rest explain modifications of this bike, "Early concepts that I want to apply the adopted moge (motor gede) with basic motor fox Tiger I became CBR 1000 in 2006," he explained. More information about the reason to take the concept moge, this friendly guy explains, "I make this motor because the average moge in Indonesia were rare and even if there is expensive so I want to change the way moge finally achieved."
The results are remarkable, given the look of the front, next to the contour of the back that looked fierce and so firmly. For the front legs are used supplies include usage fork upside down, following PSM KALIPER discs with Brembo brake master took Nissin brand. For the rear legs swing arm asupannya include a 1000 CBR dikastem, YSS suspension and fixed with Nissin disc brakes. For the body is known as fixed by the framework wrapped Tiger front CBR 1000 guise kastem. Not necessarily use the existing parts, some parts like the exhaust was designed handmade handmade aka Andi Rest yourself.
Continue to the variation seen here intake Vario-style taillights and headlights left and right sign Vixion use models. With a racing-style Footstep of Yoshimura, the control wheel is also designed with solid handmade model. For myself finishing this bike was covered glose auto paint color Honda Fireblade adopted. About the overall process of this kindly man explained, "For a long time if the initial processing takes approximately 3 months but if we've got a bike so we can trim about one month."
For the total cost of the process itself, Andi admitted that he had spent approximately USD 17 million. So confident of the other competitors in fact this bike is capable of providing maximum results. First prize in the Sport class Modif motor achieved this one. Andipun said about his success, "I am delighted to finally work for three months can be paid and for the future I will never cease to continue to innovate," he said, closing the conversation.
Initial concept of this bike is the work of the design road race because the owner happens to this motor has hobin road race. difficulties derived from modifying this bike is the paint, because the purpose of motor yamaha f1zr modifications are combining aspects of racing and airbrush. Yamaha motor F1ZR modification was made by Toys Modified with time-consuming work for 2 months. Few settings are also applied to the machine which was originally F1ZR not only competing in the event modif only but also for the road race event that was.
Modifikasi Honda Vario Trike Bober
The presence of this motor is not the first in this prestigious event. Djarum Black Final Solo MOTODIFY 2008 witnessed the first appearance of this motor to the motor modification lovers audience. Despite coming in the form of a motor tricycle plus Indians are fierce, the whole body seemed to be very simple and has not prepared well. Departure from this experience of trying to complete details Agus body is now more 'eye catchy' with the master audio treats. The concept of this modification is Honda Vario Vario Black Bike Trike Bober.
To modify my audio itself was designed using 2 subwoofers 12 inches, middle 6 speakers, 6 tweeters, 2 middle monitor, head unit Ink, special power 2 middle and 1 monoblock subwoofer power.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Polar Bear Grand Tour - Port Jervis, NY

polar bear grand tour,
polar bear runs

I put this picture from allfinearts.com, If you want to see the continuation of the crazy motorcycles modification from watch like picture above please visit here
Modifikasi Motor

Low ride Style comes up because the caster abject is fabricated lower 10 cm than the basic. The conception is connected with rear caster installing from car rim of Toyota Kijang 5 inch customustomized. Original Shape anatomy was recustomized with relying on additive from fiberglass. This acceptable change is apparent from its anatomy by giving asthmatic from acrilyc. the change is connected to installing tyre, advanced and rear. The added art is, both caster now is installed by bifold disc. But for rear diskbrake of larboard ancillary is installed insde of CVT cover. The finals step, dejected colour acrylic accumulated with white artefact Blinken is coverred scootermatic anatomy artefact 2004.
Modification abstracts Advanced tire: Swallow 100/70-14 Rear tire: Delitire 140/70-14 handlebar: custom Rear disk: Kitaco Advanced discbrake: Kawasaki Ninja Muffler: custom
Kawasaki Ninja Like Yamaha YZR M1 Modify

Making a trick in adjustment nice look, a moto-GP attending becomes guidance. By accident, This motorcycle buyer of Kawasaki Ninja R is a fan of motorcycles in MotoGP class. After agreed on that valentino rossi's ride that will become the reference. all awning from front body to rearbody resemble with Yamaha YZR M1 is recreated from fiberglass ingredient. authoritative of its awning is ill-fitted to the aboriginal ambit so it can fit.
After finishing on its body, the leg is the abutting focus. although the advanced shock breaker and beat accoutrements is still the aboriginal one, both is fabricated by abacus cover. While, six crossbean velg from Enkei is acclimated for its legs. to catechize while active in the night, this Ninja YZR M1 is installed a headlamp from Yamaha Jupiter z. As the step, the absolute new anatomy is corrective by colour that clothing to The Doctor ride. The result, back it is brought about city's road, abounding bodies assumption if this motorcycle comes from Yamaha.
Kawasaki Ninja Like Yamaha YZR M1 Modification Detail:
Velg : Enkei
Discbrakes : PSM
Kaliper : Brembo
Muffler : Tidar
Headlamp : Yamaha Jupiter Z
Swing Arm : handmade
After finishing on its body, the leg is the abutting focus. although the advanced shock breaker and beat accoutrements is still the aboriginal one, both is fabricated by abacus cover. While, six crossbean velg from Enkei is acclimated for its legs. to catechize while active in the night, this Ninja YZR M1 is installed a headlamp from Yamaha Jupiter z. As the step, the absolute new anatomy is corrective by colour that clothing to The Doctor ride. The result, back it is brought about city's road, abounding bodies assumption if this motorcycle comes from Yamaha.
Kawasaki Ninja Like Yamaha YZR M1 Modification Detail:
Velg : Enkei
Discbrakes : PSM
Kaliper : Brembo
Muffler : Tidar
Headlamp : Yamaha Jupiter Z
Swing Arm : handmade
Kawasaki KLX 150 Picture Modification and Video

Kawasaki KLX 150 Customize Picture
From appointment supermoto indonesia, i am repost pictures of supermoto based on KLX 150 taken by one of [the] affiliate of this appointment while ablution moment KLX 150 at bandung. Modification focus put on foots ancillary by use of aftermarket allotment . Let's attending out , we achievement it will accord you acceptable inspirations. Handlebar has been replaced to be fatbar type, use raiser, additional ad-lib gas, new grip, minimalizing duke bouncer , additionally apparent trilateral new replaced
Battlax tyre BT090 120/60/17, advanced discbrake, kaliper brembo, anchor cable is replaced Front angle is replaced with upsitedown chicken gold blazon , sein/turn lamp is replaced with led type, and there is additionally agent guard. It looks great! Swing arm assistant type, kaliper 1 agent Brembo, Muffler R9 Muffler close botches backdrop with bow not bright Battlax tyre bt090 150/60/17, sprocket and gold attending chain, adjuser chain.
Kawasaki KLX 150 Video :
Air Brush Classic Vespa Modification

If we talk about classical view, is certainly agree that changes in the motor Andika's Vespa is worth thumbs up. This scooter characters have changed sebuat Like the classic motorcycle themed restaurant a true classic. It is said that this is because the owner was always dreaming of a nice classic look with all the accessories attached to the body of this Vespa. "Said the man who live south of Jakarta Kemang area of this."
Vespa motor design was inspired many sectors. Starting from choosing colors, which uses color Candy Red Pearl was entrusted with the paint manufacturers Sikkens class. Disegi kelar Andika painter of hunting soon paraphernalia original Italian goods now supposedly he trinkets prices these accessories exorbitant price. Because it would not be surprised if the goods are rare accessories were found and only time there is hence expensive.
Design right and left side of the box this Vespa also gives comfort to her when she was ridding and kalu must aka kerjar time speeding. Understandably, these motors often touring far that body position should be protected by the side of the front deck and the left-right body on this bike. And briefly, when viewed in the light fist impression of classic Vespa is actually attached too tightly to this bike. With a plate made of cast iron round light brands were already menisyaratkan SIEM if this motor using a branded product (read: class).
Air Brush Classic Vespa Modification Spec detail :
Custom Body : N/A
Custom Duck Tail : N/A
Custom Rear Body : N/A
Body Paint : Red Pearl Candy (Sikkens)
Custom Paint Interior : Red Pearl Candy (Sikkens)
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing : N/A
Seat : Original
Rear Hugger : N/A
Bore Up : N/A
Porting Polished : N/A
Muffler : Original
Air Filter : Original
Coil : N/A
Plugs : NGK
Cable Plugs : Original
Camshaft : Original
Carburator : Dell Orto
Filter Carburator : Dell Orto
Spuyer : Dell Orto
Piston : Original
Roller : N/A
Cover CVT : N/A
Cover Belt : N/A
Front Wheel : Original 10 inch
Rear Wheel : Original 10 inch
Front Tromol : Original
Rear Tromol : Original
Front Tyre : Original
Rear Tyre : Original
Front ShockBreaker : Original
Rear Shockbreaker : Original
Rear Per : Original
Brake Master : Original
Disc Plate : N/A
Front SpackBoard : Original
Rear SpackBoard : Original
Brake Handle : Original
Front Lamp : SIEM
Rear Lamp : SIEM
Lamp : Original
Hand Grip : Original
Fuel Indicator : N/A
Rear Bracket : N/A
Deck : Original
Steer : Original
Mirror : N/A
Front Carrier : N/A
Rear Carrier : N/A
Spidometer : Veglia Borletti
Rubber Set : Singapura
Horn : Original
Mudflap : Original
Flyscreen : N/A
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) : N/A
Tachometer : N/A
Front Sein : N/A
Rear Sein : N/A
Side Sein : N/A
Author and Photographer: (M. FAUZI) motor-modif.com
Vespa motor design was inspired many sectors. Starting from choosing colors, which uses color Candy Red Pearl was entrusted with the paint manufacturers Sikkens class. Disegi kelar Andika painter of hunting soon paraphernalia original Italian goods now supposedly he trinkets prices these accessories exorbitant price. Because it would not be surprised if the goods are rare accessories were found and only time there is hence expensive.
Design right and left side of the box this Vespa also gives comfort to her when she was ridding and kalu must aka kerjar time speeding. Understandably, these motors often touring far that body position should be protected by the side of the front deck and the left-right body on this bike. And briefly, when viewed in the light fist impression of classic Vespa is actually attached too tightly to this bike. With a plate made of cast iron round light brands were already menisyaratkan SIEM if this motor using a branded product (read: class).
Air Brush Classic Vespa Modification Spec detail :
Custom Body : N/A
Custom Duck Tail : N/A
Custom Rear Body : N/A
Body Paint : Red Pearl Candy (Sikkens)
Custom Paint Interior : Red Pearl Candy (Sikkens)
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing : N/A
Seat : Original
Rear Hugger : N/A
Bore Up : N/A
Porting Polished : N/A
Muffler : Original
Air Filter : Original
Coil : N/A
Plugs : NGK
Cable Plugs : Original
Camshaft : Original
Carburator : Dell Orto
Filter Carburator : Dell Orto
Spuyer : Dell Orto
Piston : Original
Roller : N/A
Cover CVT : N/A
Cover Belt : N/A
Front Wheel : Original 10 inch
Rear Wheel : Original 10 inch
Front Tromol : Original
Rear Tromol : Original
Front Tyre : Original
Rear Tyre : Original
Front ShockBreaker : Original
Rear Shockbreaker : Original
Rear Per : Original
Brake Master : Original
Disc Plate : N/A
Front SpackBoard : Original
Rear SpackBoard : Original
Brake Handle : Original
Front Lamp : SIEM
Rear Lamp : SIEM
Lamp : Original
Hand Grip : Original
Fuel Indicator : N/A
Rear Bracket : N/A
Deck : Original
Steer : Original
Mirror : N/A
Front Carrier : N/A
Rear Carrier : N/A
Spidometer : Veglia Borletti
Rubber Set : Singapura
Horn : Original
Mudflap : Original
Flyscreen : N/A
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) : N/A
Tachometer : N/A
Front Sein : N/A
Rear Sein : N/A
Side Sein : N/A
Author and Photographer: (M. FAUZI) motor-modif.com

Luxurious themed bike unit of Advance Vehicle luxury vehicles with Asesories supported by the exotic and the paintjob
Traditional touch of Indonesia is also not left, shown with printing broklat themed color kebaya Indonesia serata mas nitabene and copper were found from Indonesian traditional equipment.
Selection Kakai-foot by using three pieces rim reinforcing Monoblok LUV scent itself especially coupled with the finishing of chrome coating.
The paraphernalia of the bolts and components supporting Detailing using 17k gold coating to strengthen Luxuriousnya theme.
The advantages of this motor is to use a water suspension ... so that the height of the motor can be set independently either front maupunbelakang
water suspension using a technology which peneumatic high / low. empuknya hard suspension is governed by wind pressure, unlike the generally sockbreaker using a.
Suspension of work this way is the wind generated by the compressor is stored in the storage tube, and then channeled into the suspension by using an electronic valve or commonly called a solenoid. Solenoid valve is useful as a filler to remove the wind and the wind from the suspension.
Traditional touch of Indonesia is also not left, shown with printing broklat themed color kebaya Indonesia serata mas nitabene and copper were found from Indonesian traditional equipment.
Selection Kakai-foot by using three pieces rim reinforcing Monoblok LUV scent itself especially coupled with the finishing of chrome coating.
The paraphernalia of the bolts and components supporting Detailing using 17k gold coating to strengthen Luxuriousnya theme.
The advantages of this motor is to use a water suspension ... so that the height of the motor can be set independently either front maupunbelakang
water suspension using a technology which peneumatic high / low. empuknya hard suspension is governed by wind pressure, unlike the generally sockbreaker using a.
Suspension of work this way is the wind generated by the compressor is stored in the storage tube, and then channeled into the suspension by using an electronic valve or commonly called a solenoid. Solenoid valve is useful as a filler to remove the wind and the wind from the suspension.
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