The weather was great and the traffic light on this great motorcycle road.
Met lots of bikers on the roads, Ferries and campgrounds including a couple of Irishmen who were on a three week riding holiday picking up their rental bikes in Vancouver and then sampling some of Canada's best motorcycle roads.

Simon and Kieran

The Coffee gang at "Corner Gas"
During a small cloud burst I ducked under this overhang at a small gas station to get out of the rain, Mike and Jane wisely stopped earlier to suit up in their rain gear. This dedicated bunch of friendly guys gathered here every day to drink their coffee and watch the motorcycle squids go by, often yelling out whether it was a Harley or a crotch-rocket. They must of seen a million bikes go by their front door all summer long. They welcomed me into the club and were quite gracious about sharing the overhang with me.

Are these tables for anyone?
No fast food along this route but some nice friendly small cafes and Bistros to tie on the feed bag and take a respite from the road.

Ferry Rides are a highlight of the trip
One of the many highlights of this route are the free ferries along the way crossing two different lakes and if you choose to go west you can even work in a third ferry on the way to Vernon.
This is the route we were on and basically all the fun begins at Revelstoke as you head south on Highway 6 as the traffic thins out and the curves start to bend a little more and the road just gets better and better as you go. When you get to Creston you are back in the tourist zone with all of the traffic.
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